Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing #12 Creating a Community Through Commenting

I agree with all the 10 commandment for commenting, and I think that everyone should take a look at them. I am not a very outspoken person so thing # 12 sure drove me off the wall. Two important points about commenting are that you have to be friendly with others, and you also need to comment ONLY if you are interested in their post. How to comment like a king or queen gave me a few pointers on how to leave comments and look at posts that I would have in common with. I took a look at other people's post and commented a few of them. Using, I found a site called Idaho Falls Today. Which interested me of what people have to say about our candidates and high gas prices. What drew my attention to this site was the state high gas price which is a big issue now in days. I also found another blog that read Earthquake hits California: where was superman? It drew my attention because my family lives in California. I wanted to learn a little more about it.

1 comment:

bateyl said...

bateyl said.....
You have been very busy,busy today. Keep up the great work! Looks like you're going to make that deadline afterall!